Available on Telegram. Join now!

Turn Reading 📚 into
Lasting Knowledge 🧠

An AI companion that helps you
understand and memorise through practice

Available on Telegram. Join now!

How GetQuiz Works

Designed to enhance reading efficiency, improve memory retention, and achieve a deeper understanding of the material


Join the AI companion

Join the AI companion

Join the AI companion

Join the AI companion

The companion integrates seamlessly with Telegram. With just a single press of a button, you can begin your learning journey immediately. No need for additional apps or tools—just convenience at your fingertips.


Send your fIles

Send your fIles

Send your fIles

Attach a file, and the companion will generate a quiz based on the content for you.



Take a quiz

Take a quiz

Take a quiz

Enhance your learning by taking quizzes tailored to the content you've uploaded.


Get a review

Get a review

Get a review

Once you’ve completed your quizzes, the AI companion offers a review of your performance. This feedback helps you understand your strengths and areas for improvement.



Schedule quizzes

Schedule quizzes

Schedule quizzes

Improve your learning by scheduling quizzes based on the content you’ve added. The AI companion selects the best times for quizzes, helping you remember what you've learned.

Frequently Asked

What is GetQuiz?

How does GetQuiz work?

Which document types does GetQuiz support?

What is the GetQuiz money-back policy?

What is GetQuiz?

How does GetQuiz work?

Which document types does GetQuiz support?

What is the GetQuiz money-back policy?

What is GetQuiz?
How does GetQuiz work?
Which document types does GetQuiz support?

What is the GetQuiz money-back policy?

What is GetQuiz?

How does GetQuiz work?

Which document types does GetQuiz support?

What is the GetQuiz money-back policy?

Make New Knowledge Stick